“Why do we get ‘stuck’ on a plateau when losing weight and how can we break free? Thanks Peggy - You’ve changed my life for the best!” -- Dodger
I LOVE 🥰 these kinds of questions!
You know, the ones with a personal comment attached. I’m happy that I could make a difference in your life, Dodger! I would love to know more. (Please tell me in the comments below.)
This make-believe story can help you next time you hit a plateau…
Otis wants to lose weight. He can't see his feet past his large gut. Otis eats roughly 3,000 calories a day, and his weight is steady at 300 pounds. He sets his goal weight at 180 pounds.

First, Otis decides to stop eating second helpings. He makes no other changes to his diet or to the number of days he goes to the gym. His daily calorie intake goes from 3,000 to 2,000. And because of that, Otis starts to lose weight.
Otis’s body starts emptying out its fat and carbohydrate stores to make up for the calorie shortage. As the weeks go by, Otis continues to eat 2,000 calories a day, and the weight loss goes on.
Until the day when the weight loss stops. Otis has plateaued.
Otis's new 250-pound body needs fewer calories. It now keeps smaller stores of fat and carbohydrates and slightly less muscle mass. These things weigh less on the scale.
Still, Otis wants more weight loss. Otis continues to skip second helpings. Otis also decides to eat oatmeal and fruit for breakfast instead of bacon and eggs. He makes no other changes to his diet or to the number of days he goes to the gym. He's eating 50 grams of fat during the day instead of 75. Once again, Otis starts to lose weight.

Again, Otis’s body is adjusting its fat and carbohydrate stores. As the weeks go on, Otis continues to eat only 50 grams of fat a day, and the weight loss goes on.
Until the day when the weight loss stops. Otis has plateaued. AGAIN.
The weight loss stops because his new 200-pound body needs fewer calories. It now keeps even smaller stores of fat and carbohydrates and slightly less muscle mass.
Still, Otis wants to lose more weight. Otis continues to skip second helpings. He continues to eat 50 grams of fat a day. And now, Otis decides to go to the gym 5 days a week instead of only 3 days a week. He makes no other changes to his diet or to his gym routine. Once again, Otis starts to lose weight.
Again, Otis’s body is adjusting its fat and carbohydrate stores. As the weeks go on, Otis continues to go to the gym 5 days a week, and the weight loss goes on.
Until the day when the weight loss stops. Otis has plateaued. AGAIN.
Let's step back for a minute...
Can you see the pattern here? With every good change, there comes more weight loss. A little each time. So if you hate plateaus so much, then make all the changes at once!
Platueaus come because we haven't made enough of a change to get the results we want.
We need to make big changes if we want big results. Don't get frustrated when you hit a plateau, get to work! There’s more to be done.
Otis made small changes each time, but he kept at it. He kept making changes. And that’s the secret to breaking out of a plateau… CHANGE SOMETHING!
Imagine for a minute if Otis had made all the changes at once. He probably would NOT have hit any plateaus along the way. He would have coasted right down to his goal weight of 180.
The HAPPY ENDING to Otis's weight-loss story: At this final plateau, Otis is THRILLED with his 180-pound body. And his new routines keep him looking and feeling terrific!

Advice for breaking free of your weight loss plateau. Why not do all of these NOW?
- Eat more fruits and vegetables
- Eat more beans and lentils
- Drink more water
- Exercise more
- Get more sleep
- Cut out meat (beef, chicken, fish, etc.), dairy, and eggs as best you can. The more you cut, the better your results will be.
"If you want to change things in a big way, then you gotta make some big changes."
– Rocky Balboa
PS. There are so many ways to lose weight. Some bring good health, like eating more vegetables. Some bring poor health, like eating a paleo diet. It helps to have a coach who knows which changes will work best for you. (wink wink)
If you have a question about diet or exercise, weight loss, or having better blood pressure or cholesterol levels...
Tired of being overweight & taking medication?
Start fixing what's wrong... so you can toss the meds.
Overweight. Obesity. Type 2 diabetes. Atherosclerosis. High blood pressure. High cholesterol. GERD. MORE.
Start losing weight TODAY!
Use these 5 simple yet powerful diet tips to speed you on your way.
But you have to want your goal -- weight loss, lower cholesterol, better health -- more than the lifestyle you're leaving behind. Then, the big long lasting changes you're making are easy.
For example... if you want to lose weight, you need to want weight loss more than you want French fries, Swiss cheese, and binge watching NetFlix.
You are my Rock of Gibraltar !