This picture was taken more than 25 years ago.

Newly married, I weighed 162 pounds. Not particularly happy with my weight, I was strong and could cycle wherever I wanted. Chronic knee pain from severe arthritis side-lined me from time to time, but I could live with it.
Fast forward five or ten years. Everything changed for me.
I learned about the power of plant-based foods to transform my body.
I had excellent teachers. From Caldwell Esselstyn, MD, I learned that meat raises my risk for heart disease. From T. Colin Campbell, PhD, I learned that dairy products raised my risk for cancer and type 2 diabetes. From the two, I learned that plants are right for my body.
I collected new recipes and wrote revised shopping lists for simple but tasty meals. Family holidays focused on plant-centered foods that were colorful, healthful, and delicious. The compliments keep coming. Friends and family love to spend holidays at my house. Where else can they celebrate AND eat healthful food -- at the same time?
Along with the right mix of exercise and rest, including sleep, my new plant-based lifestyle was transforming my body. From the inside out.
So how did this work for me? After a few months, my knee pain disappeared. Over 6 months or so, I lost 20 pounds. The weight just kept coming off.
Now, 17 years later, I’ve lost a total of 30 pounds, and I am still knee-pain-free. I’ve cycled tens of thousands of miles. I feel as young as ever. I am thriving!
I love whole-natural plant foods. I love the way they look and smell, and I love how they make me feel: Proud of my body. I’m full of energy, disease-free, and still plenty strong.
Now that I know the truth about plant-based food and how it loves my body, I can’t NOT know. It’s like riding a bike. Once you know, you can’t forget it. I could choose to ignore it but ignoring it doesn’t change the truth.
This is Jamie and me today.

I want you to know how it feels to thrive.
Here's your chance to lose those extra pounds and get clear of prescription meds. Get those lab numbers in check. Wake up every morning with energy for a new day.
I've helped my clients shed hundreds -- NO THOUSANDS -- of pounds. And I want to help YOU!
I'm excited to share my 5 Power Moves with you. Lose weight quickly and permanently and get the optimal health that you deserve.
Join me for 5 to Thrive. Learn my 5 Power Moves and how to put them into play in your life. These Power Moves have helped thousands of people to lose weight and have optimal health.
Meetings on Wednesdays: Beginning October 9th at 7pm ET
Live Q&A with me on Saturday: May 19th at 10am ET
This is a Zoom-based program with weekly interactive meetings and a Live Q&A Session. You’ll have access to me and my years of experience in helping people to lose weight and reverse chronic disease.
The price for the 6-week program is $249. Automatically Write Excerpt
You'll get my amazing 5 to Thrive eBook. It has key info, tasty recipes, and action tips for success. PLUS! I've created an online community where we can connect between Zoom sessions. There's no doubt that people are better at changing habits with a group's support.
Invest in yourself. You’ll be happy you did.
Tired of being overweight & taking medication?
Start fixing what's wrong... so you can toss the meds.
Overweight. Obesity. Type 2 diabetes. Atherosclerosis. High blood pressure. High cholesterol. GERD. MORE.
Start losing weight TODAY!
Use these 5 simple yet powerful diet tips to speed you on your way.