"Taking Peggy's 5 to Thrive class was the best thing I could've done for myself... In the 6-week course, I lost 10 pounds... And now my cholesterol is 188. Last year it was 250! " -- Donna
I’d like to say a huge thank you to Peggy because the accountability this program has built in was just what I needed to focus and stay focused on doing all the right things!... I am ecstatic at the lower numbers I’m seeing on my glucometer! -- Angel

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Join my 6-week online program to help you finally reach your goals.

I will teach you my 5 Power Moves so that you can lose weight, improve your numbers, reduce your reliance on prescription meds, and THRIVE! 

These are the 5 things that have helped my most successful clients to reach their goals.
"I lost 14 pounds... I was finally able to lose weight after trying conventional diets with limited and short-term success. The plant-based eating is a lifestyle now." -- Linda
Your investment

This is your blueprint for the program. It's filled with delicious recipes, my 5 Power Moves, and tips for your success.

5 to Thrive Community
You'll have access to my private online community filled with support and motivation, links to Zoom replays, and loads of delicious recipes. 

6 weekly interactive Zoom sessions
  • Wednesdays at 7-8PM ET
  • May 14, 21, 28, June 4, 11, 18
Bonus Q and A with me
I'll answer your questions and make sure you're on the right track to make the most of the program.
  • Saturday, May 31st at 10-11AM ET

I want to change my health!

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